Monkston Primary School

Wadhurst Lane, Monkston,
Milton Keynes, MK10 9LA

Telephone: 01908 671034

For general school queries, please ask for Joanne Carr or Joy Nicholls

For finance queries, please ask for Emily Winship

School Email: [email protected] 

Admissions Email: [email protected]

Data Controller - Jane Lear
Click here to email Jane Lear or telephone 01908 533727.

Data Protection Officer - Nicola Cook
Click here to email Nicola Cook or telephone 01296 658502.This is NOT for Admissions.


Safeguarding Statement

Monkston School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of all students and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The Primary strives to ensure that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, students and staff at school.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Hannah Williams, Headteacher. The Deputy Head, Aimee Mills and Senior Assistant Head Teacher, Lauren Hamer are both Deputy Designated Leads.

Monkston School has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues, which include tackling radicalisation and extremism, together with recording and monitoring processes.

To promote a safe environment for students, Monkston Primary School employs a strict selection and recruitment policy, which includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers including Enhanced DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks.

All staff are trained to a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities, ranging from basic awareness for all, to Level 2 for key staff. Other safeguarding training is attended by relevant staff and governors. The training is monitored and comprehensive records are kept by the DSL.

Staff are required to report any causes of concern to the school safeguarding team immediately. All concerns are passed to members of staff who are trained as ‘Designated Child Protection Officers’ in school. Referrals are logged and monitored using safeguarding software ‘My Concern’ to make sure that they are followed up appropriately.

Pupils’ attendance is monitored closely by the Headteacher and concerns shared, as appropriate, with parents/carers. Monkston School works effectively with other agencies and parents/carers when necessary to safeguard young people.

For any serious concerns about a child, another student or a member of staff at Monkston School, please do not hesitate to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead who will provide you with the best advice and help using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead, Hannah Williams and the Deputy Designated Leads, Aimee Mills and Lauren Hamer can be contacted on 01908 671034 or email [email protected]

Online Safety

Online Safety and Safeguarding Statement

Educational settings have specific, statutory responsibilities to ensure and promote children’s safety and well-being; this also applies to the online environment. At Monkston Primary School, we recognise and fully understand our role in ensuring that all pupils and staff are given the necessary skills to become safe, responsible and confident online users. This also extends to parents through the notification of any online safety issues through the school newsletter and website. The Designated Online Safety Lead is Aimee Mills [Assistant Head].

Monkston Primary School adopts the key statutory guidance Keeping children safe in education 2023 - part one

The specific responsibilities, regarding online safety; include, but are not limited to:

  • A requirement for an effective child protection policy in place, together with a policy on Social Networking Sites & Personal Internet Presence for School Staff
  • All staff are aware of the role of technology within abuse
  • All staff recognise that abuse can be perpetrated by children themselves; and appropriate policies and procedures in relation to peer on peer abuse, including cyberbullying, are in place
  • Ensuring that children are taught about online safety, through a variety of teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • All members of staff receive appropriate online safety training;
  • That leaders and managers ensure there is appropriate filtering and monitoring in place

As well as this, the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS) 2017 sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. The specific responsibilities, regarding online safety; include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational programmes must guide children to make sense of their physical world and their community including the use of technology
  • Safeguarding policies must cover the use of mobile phones and cameras within the setting
  • All staff should be trained to recognise inappropriate behaviour displayed by other members of staff, including inappropriate sharing of images

In line with the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance, leaders and managers at Monkston Primary School will ensure that they are aware of safe practice expectations and will proactively seek advice and support when developing online safety approaches for the pupils and other members of staff. As some online safety incidents could require child protection action or elements, the designated online safety lead will have an understanding of the school’s safeguarding procedures and has been trained to the level of deputy designated safeguarding lead.

For more information on the programme of online safety we teach at Monkston and the training of staff on the possibilities and risks of online abuse, please see our Safeguarding and Online Safety Policy below.

Online Safety Policy - March 2023

Milton Keynes Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Milton Keynes Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) has information of support services available to families regarding safeguarding of children on their website, as well as details about who to contact if you have a concern about a child or a vulnerable adult. The MASH contact number is 01908 253169 or 01908 253170.

If you have a concern about any adult who works directly with children, please contact the Milton Keynes Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) on 01908 254307.


KET Safeguarding and Child Protection policy 2023-24

Safeguarding and Child Protection policy 2024-25 - with effect from 1st September 2024.

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

Keeping children safe in education 2023 - part one

Designated Teacher policy (looked-after and previously looked-after children) - March 2023 

Behaviour Policy - March 2023 

Online Safety Policy

KET Whistleblowing Policy - December 2023

KET Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy - October 2023


Safeguarding Guide and Information

Safeguarding visitor guide 2023

Safeguarding letter to parents Sept23

Useful websites

National Crime Agency's CEOP Education Team


Childnet International

Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board


NSPCC Parent Online Safety advice