Monkston Primary School

Wadhurst Lane, Monkston,
Milton Keynes, MK10 9LA

Telephone: 01908 671034

For general school queries, please ask for Joanne Carr or Joy Nicholls

For finance queries, please ask for Emily Winship

School Email: [email protected] 

Admissions Email: [email protected]

Data Controller - Jane Lear
Click here to email Jane Lear or telephone 01908 533727.

Data Protection Officer - Nicola Cook
Click here to email Nicola Cook or telephone 01296 658502.This is NOT for Admissions.



Paralympian Not too ‘Pool for School’


Young Carers in Schools Award for Monkston


Farewell to Year 6


Queen Elizabeth II Garden

Monkston Primary - Help the Community Club

New Club to Help the Community