Eco Council
Eco School Council 2024-2025
The new Eco School Council will be voted in during the first half of the autumn term.
School Council 2023-2024
Our newly appointed school council are already full of wonderful ideas of what they want to achieve over this next year.
This year, we are becoming an Eco-School Council, with a focus on the environment of the school and local community, recycling, promoting and supporting nature and other elements of sustainability to learn and share more about how we can all look after our world and become successful citizens.
The school council, as always, are very keen to get started and we have already set our main aims for the year, which we would love to share with you.
Our eco-objectives include litter picking around the school and local area, developing the outside areas and garden for children to learn more about nature and to have nicer spaces to relax in, considering the schools use of recycling and single-use plastic and many, many more! Please see our regularly uploaded meeting minutes for developments on this (click the link at the bottom of this page).
As always, this year we will be raising money for a local charity and organising fun events for everyone to take part in - more details to follow.
The council will also be carrying on with the role of Monkston News Team and continue to create the great 'Some Monkston News' episodes (please click on the link to our Monkston YouTube Channel at the top of our page to see these previous episodes). Every term, we will be directing producing, filming and editing an episode which will include news about events we have held in school and news from staff and children outside of school. We know the whole Monkston family love watching these and we cannot wait to continue with it! Each new episode will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel, signposted to parents and shared in class, so we can all enjoy. You will also be able to find it on this page every half term as well.