Monkston believe there is much to recommend the wearing of uniform and, with parent/carer's support, children are strongly encouraged to wear it. Uniform helps children to feel pride in their school and builds a strong sense of common identity and purpose.
All items are standard school wear and can be purchased from any shop of your choice. Whilst the school insists on clothing colours, it does not need bear the school logo.
For items with the school logo on, please order online at Price & Buckland or at Kedaph Schoolwear.
Please note that it may take six weeks for delivery time from the date of ordering. Outdoor fleeces are also available.
If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding the school may be able to help with the cost of school uniform for your child. Please email [email protected] for any help you may need.
Second hand uniform
Second hand uniform is sold throughout the year by The Friends of Monkston, please email them at [email protected] for more information on when the next second-hand uniform sale will take place.
MK Storehouse hold a free uniform recycle event during the summer holidays. This event is open to all and no referrals are needed. During their last event, they provided basic uniform items for over 550 Milton Keynes’ children.
Trousers/skirt - navy blue, black or charcoal grey
Shirt/blouse/polos shirt - white or sky blue
Sweatshirt/cardigan - navy blue
Sensible low heeled, plain black trainers/shoes
Physical Education and Games
On the day your child has PE or Games, they should wear their PE kit into school and remain in it all day. You can choose for them to wear shorts or jogging bottoms depending on the weather.
PE Uniform
Shorts - navy blue or plain dark colour
T-shirt - plain white
Trainers - plain colour (such as black, grey, navy or white)
Pupils will need to wear warmer clothes during the winter. We suggest plain navy, grey or black tracksuit top and bottoms.
Please mark all items of uniform with your child's name.
Not Suitable for School
Monkston asks that parents do not send children to school wearing high-heeled shoes or other unsuitable types of footwear. We also ask for your support in not sending children to school wearing make-up or jewellery. The only exception being for children with pierced ears who may wear one stud in the lobe of each ear, but, for reasons of safety, these must be removed or covered with a plaster for PE and games lessons.
What else will your child need to bring in to school?
Children will need to bring a small book bag into school for their reading book. These can be ordered via Price & Buckland Please do not send children into school with a backpack as this will not be needed and are difficult to store.
Children can bring a snack into school to eat during the morning. This should only be fruit or vegetables. No other snacks are permitted and will be sent home if brought into school. The snack should be in a small named container.
Child should also use a named water bottle, which only contains water.