
Many Monkston pupils have busy home lives with clubs and precious family time. Therefore, the school wants to ensure that homework is balanced with this.

Spelling practice, reading and times table practice are the most valuable ways that pupils can be supported at home. These key skills underpin all the work that takes place during the school week and is vital for good pupil progress.

In key stage 2, homework consists of the following three weekly tasks:

  • Spelling practice – spellings will be sent home for pupils to learn/practise. We suggest that they practise these spellings at least twice a week or until they can confidently spell them unaided. Pupils will be tested on a Friday and their score will be recorded in their reading diary/homework journal.
  • Reading aloud to an adult - we expect every child in KS2 to read to an adult at least 3–4 times a week. Even if the child can read fluently, it is still vital that they are heard reading aloud, so that they can be helped to understand new vocabulary that they come across. Please record in the reading diary when you have read with your child. An initial or comment is fine. If your child has read to an older sibling or another family member, please ask them to initial the day. Children will receive a Monkston point if they have read to an adult at least three times a week. These rewards will be given out on a Friday, so please ensure that their reading diary is in school.
  • Times Tables Rockstars practice [TTR] - these practice sessions should total a minimum of 25 minutes per week and can either be completed in one session or can be spread over a few days. Class teachers will monitor this activity online. Knowing their times tables inside and out is pivotal knowledge as children move through the school, particularly in UKS2.

A weekly lunchtime homework support session is compulsory for those pupils who do not complete the set tasks.

In key stage 1, weekly spelling practice and reading 3-4 times a week is also required and noted in reading diaries.

Pupils in Year 6 may be given additional revision tasks to complete at home or during the holidays, due to SATs testing.